ASOU progress notes - day five

A Series of Unexpectations
Friday 3rd April 
Zoom rehearsal 


The Chance Dance
Task: Revisit The Chance Dance tasking - anonymous prompts - via video/screen

Questions/thoughts from improvisations:

Can we hide body parts with clothes, or a curtain, or via the screen?
Body as landscape

Everyone's everyday clothes work. Faasu's velvet top!
Could we make a frame to create this effect live?
Go Pro P.O.V shots?
Hearing breath without seeing it is so interesting (Jaz)
Never gotten so close up to the rug before! (Jaz)
Try P.O.V shots as dancing with more specific costume e.g. red tights/red glove
Hands in front of camera in P.O.V shot was successful (Jaz)
Could this experience be live? e.g. the action is happening behind/through a frame so we only get live glimpses but then the live filming projected onto the material extension of the frame?
''Who am I doing it for?''
''Set up a bunch of different projectors and have different points of views filmed from different cameras'' - Miriam
Stopping and switching mid-investigation - interesting (Adam)
Narratives with hands (Adam)
Weird music video (via screen) (Adam)
Sitting/lying on the ground with wriggling/jumpy torso (could only see chest) - super bizarre (Adam)
Only having one body part visible makes the instruction clear (e.g. chest shivers smoothly)
Elbow close to camera - doesn't look like an elbow (Adam)
How can film compliment live performance?
Stop-motion effect because of lagging video (Miriam) - makes me think of the evolution and mechanics of each movement
Slow stop-motion - e.g. minuscule movements performed over a long period of time (very buzzy outcome)
Illusion - appearing places without warning (because of lagging video) - human impossibilities are accessible on video and with editing
''Watching someone watch someone else'' - Jaz
What is the actual performance? What is most important here? The dancers exploration or the audiences experience? What needs to be seen more?
Lagging video - ''an outside force wanted us to see specific movements'' - Neza
Wifi lag choreographing the dance for us
Snippets of experiences (Neza) - close-up face appearing was successful
Just seeing the floor
Hand appears as mountain (Neza)
Body parts as a frame (live or on film?)
Torso/stomach appears on screen - who knows it's a stomach? take away other context clues?
Is this more successful on camera/screen?
Very surreal and dark - especially the rock back and forth on stomach


Andres Serrano - photographer 

Andres Serrano | The Morgue (Suicide by Hanging) (1992 ...

Andres Serrano - BOMB Magazine

Francesca Woodman - photographer

Francesca Woodman | Self Portrait | Artsy

Francis Bacon - painter

CAM - film 
Cold Blood - theatre show


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